You Seem To Be Of The Curious Type…

Hi there, this mediocre blog is about my time at Kevin Brook’s English 167 class in my first semester at North Dakota State University (NDSU). Oh, but I am being too straight forward with myself here; my name is Logan Hermes. Now I know you are wondering “Hermes? Is he related to that Greek god?” The simple answer for your query would be “No. I have no Greek affiliation and besides, I am a terrible messenger and I lack the proper flying footwear for my last name. I am sorry to disappoint.” It is pronounced Her-Miss, like the pronoun “Her” and the word describing a longing for somebody or something, “Miss”. It is good that I have cleared this up so you know what you’re getting into.

Being a freshman in the English program this year I have learned many things to help me if I were to continue my studies in this wonderful program. Unfortunately I have decided to follow my passion and become a public speaking instructor instead of an English teacher. English will always be special to me, but it is not something that I have the utmost confidence in pursuing later in life.

Here I have a couple projects to share with you that I have done throughout the year. They all involve Moby Dick in one aspect or another. This year has been a wild ride of whaling, rhetoric, linguistic analysis of hetero and homosexuality in all of our works of study. I created a massive (epic) poem and also sparked my passion for mass procrastination.

I do hope that you enjoy these few pages of my last four months at NDSU.

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